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Compound of recycled plastic materials

Compounding recycled plastic materials means combining and reprocessing recycled plastics to become new and usable materials. This process can help reduce the volume of plastic waste and optimal use of available resources. Recycling of plastics is divided into several main stages, each of which plays an important role in the final quality of the product. The compound of recycled plastic materials can play an important role in reducing plastic waste and optimal use of available resources. However, more research and innovation is needed to improve the quality and efficiency of this process. Recycling of plastics not only helps to preserve the environment but can be an opportunity to develop new technologies and create employment in the recycling industry.
  • Reducing waste
  • Saving resources
  • Reducing energy consumption
  • Reduce pollution

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Yashil Araz collection


At Yashil Araz Company, we are engaged in the production of high quality recycled plastic compounds. These products are made from used plastics and are transformed into materials with excellent physical and chemical properties using advanced technologies. Our plastic compounds are used in various industries including packaging, automotive, construction and many other industrial applications.

Advantages of recycled plastic material compound

By recycling plastics, the amount of plastic waste entering the environment is significantly reduced.
By using recycled plastics, the need to produce new plastics from raw materials is reduced, which can help conserve natural resources.
The process of producing new plastics from raw materials requires more energy than recycling plastics. Therefore, recycling can help save energy.
Recycling plastics can help reduce environmental pollution caused by burying or burning plastic waste.

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